What is The Hunting Photographer?

What is The Hunting Photographer?  That’s a good question and one we (myself and other photographers) are currently working on answering ourselves.  We hope this website and resource will be a constant evolution over time that stays current with the industry and the needs of those wanting to expand their photography skillset.  The mission of this site is to be a diverse, educational resource on all things Hunting Photography. The first part of that process is to develop and release a master class that will give an individual all the tools needed to launch themselves into a career as a hunting photographer.  So if you haven’t already please scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up for our newsletter. We promise not to spam you and this will allow you first access to new content, the ability to have your voice heard regarding our content, and a way to stay up to date with all things that relate to hunting photography and the community that surrounds it.

As for myself my name is Zack Boughton.  The road that led me to professionally shooting hunting images started with a instinctive drive to learn to hunt.  I grew up in Idaho and spent time playing sports such as baseball, soccer and golf as well as being an avid skier. After graduating college I moved to Bozeman, MT where I started studying film that had evolved from my love for ski films and the inspiration they provided.  For me Montana was so different from Idaho. It felt different on many levels and big diesel trucks, cowboy boots, ranches, and country music were the norm. As I lived here longer I felt called to try my hand at hunting. I’d shot rifles and handguns as a kid and my first days ever hunting were spent behind my parent’s cabin with a rifle in hand, still hunting for deer by myself.  From there friendships were made and tags were filled and I was hooked. My love for skiing media led me to document my experiences with the camera as soon as I began hunting. Soon those images and short videos turned into a blog that I created with my brother Travis. That blog was called Montana Wild and little did I know my career path would be set for the imminent future. Long hours between school and a part time job led us to grow our brand and create valuable partnerships.  A few years later we were able to support ourselves by getting paid to shoot films and photos for some of the leading names in the hunting and fishing industry. In the short span of five years we had shot images and video for brands such as Sitka Gear, YETI, RMEF, Vortex Optics, Bear Archery, OnXMaps, Simms Fishing, Orvis, Smith Optics, and more. We had films in the Hunting and Fly Fishing film tours and were spending hundreds of days in the field capturing amazing experiences. The path has been tough and the hardest part of the whole journey was that there was no script for how to do it.  Authentic and creative media was just emerging when we started and it was a learn as you went space. That learning curve was rewarding but also very frustrating. Other creatives held their business model close to their chest and collaboration was almost non-existent. Finding a good mentor was tough but if you worked hard, delivered on your promises and treated people right you were going to succeed. Those qualities still and always will deliver.

Over time the industry and the state of hunting content has changed.  Both for better and for worse. It will always change and being on the leading edge will always be a good spot to be.  Over the last few years I found more enjoyment and fulfillment out of helping and mentoring others looking to make a name for themselves and get involved with the industry.  I looked back and found that some of the young men I’d helped provide some structure and insight to had went on to absolutely crush. Guys like Sam Averett, Calvin Connor, Jay Siske, Keith Ailes, and Bryant Patterson.  Helping propel those guys was awesome and the followers of Montana Wild were always asking how we did it. I knew there was a need for more information and insight and that’s what has led me to this point. I want to educate, mentor and teach others about the profession that has given me some amazing experiences and friendships.  It’s taught me a lot about myself and others and made me a better person. I hope that this course and resource will do just that for others and I’m excited for the journey I hope this site will become. If you’re interested in hunting photography or media please scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up for our newsletter. This will allow me to connect with you and ask you more about what it is you’d like to learn about.  What are your challenges and what are the things that excite you? This communication will help me develop a resource and course that will be in touch with those who need it and provide the most value. Community is key and I hope that we can foster an amazing community here that will help shape the industry and people’s lives for the better.

-Zack Boughton